Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Big night!

What a night! Turner has been standing on his own for a while now, but hasn't taken any "steps." Last night he must have been feeling pretty confident because he decided to let go of Thomas the Train and walk to mommy. We were so proud of him! And that wasn't the last time. He let go of the Red Rider Car and walked to daddy, too! It was so fun to see him take his first steps. What a blessing that we were both there to see it!

Unfortunately we ended the day with a bunch of pain and crying. Turner has another ear infection. Sometime between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. it finally drained and released the pressure so he (and we) were able to get some sleep. It was such a helpless feeling - nothing we did made the pain go away. Hopefully now he'll fell better. We're going to have to be super careful about avoiding water in the ears.

1 comment:

Gormangirl said...

Way to go Turner! I knew you were so close on Sunday! Perhaps the next time you see Davis you guys can chase after each other! So sorry you have an ear ache but I hope it gets better soon! All our love!