Thursday, December 11, 2008

Huggies in the spirit of giving

I just want to publicly thank Kimberly-Clark, makers of Huggies brand diapers.

My friend has twin girls and even though the family of four lives in her parents basement, they still struggle to make ends meet. Understandably, she is really worried about the future.

I sent Huggies an e-mail yesterday regarding my friend's situation. It took no time at all and a representative e-mailed back saying that though they don't have any kind of outreach program in place, she would mail some coupons for the family to use. That kind gesture is going to make a world of difference for my friend.

It is such a warm feeling to know that there are companies out there that still practice good will. And it is reassuring to know that I am using a company for my son that I can be proud of. (We're in size 4's!)

Thank you Kimberly-Clark!

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