Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Coupon brag

I can't help myself. I just have to brag about the trip I had at CVS today.

I purchased:
4 bags of Hershey's Bliss
2 bags of Hershey's Kisses
10 Hershey's dark chocolate candy bars

4 - B1G1 candy bar coupons
2 - $2.50 off two Hershey's Bliss
2 - $1 off Hershey's Kisses
$9 CVS extra care bucks
$3/$15 CVS coupon

My grand total? $0.27
AND I got $10 back in extra care bucks to use the next time I shop at CVS.

How can I help but be excited about that?! I see candy Christmas gifts in the future...

1 comment:

Gormangirl said...

Now that is impressive! I would be bragging too:) I"m trying to get better about using coupons but I still could learn so much from you! Give my favorite Turner a hug from me!